lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

Post 7: Changes to your Study Program

This is an especially important topic for those of us who study the arts. In my case, studying Theater Acting, I think the career needs many better ones with respect to the educational approach.

There should be a subject per semester called free creation, where one can create scenes, performance, works of his own authorship and without such a clear guide to how things should be done, that is what other subject would be for. I believe that the space for experimentation and creation of works and projects is very important because that is how our work will be.

Professors who only dedicate themselves to teaching should not make classes, they must necessarily be people who are actively creating art, otherwise it may happen that the ideas of these professors become old and outdated, and do not dialogue with the contemporary artistic field.

The issue of infrastructure is especially delicate in our case... The facilities of the Theater Department of the University of Chile are a disgrace! The class rooms are tiny and do not have lights or stereo, the floor is a mess and in winters they are a freezer. Not to mention the leaks that occur when there is rain. A partner once had an electric shock in the class room!

The way of teaching should change as well. Everything should be more horizontal and appealing to the creativity of the students, teachers often take on the role of theater directors a lot and that does not contribute anything to learning how to create a play, it only makes you an interpreter. 

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021

Post 6: Time travel to the future

Uf… really talking about how I envision the future in this context is very challenging.

When I was little I loved time travel movies and this topic in general, I made drawings of time machines, I liked to imagine that I could get to know the world in other possible ways, I dreamed of seeing flying cars and all kinds of machines that would make us think. easier life. Today, while I still think it is a fascinating subject, I think I have lost hope for the future.

I wish I could travel to the future to see that we have changed for the better. I don't care if we don't have flying cars, I wish there were no cars. I know maybe what I say is a bit hippie but I think I would like to live in a more relaxed world, in communion with nature.

If I traveled to the future and found a beautiful world, I don't know if I would stay. On the one hand I would like to enjoy that peace but on the other I would feel guilty that I am not doing anything for that future to exist.

Post 8: English Language Challenges

I think the blog became something that I enjoyed doing. Many times it was like "oh, I have to do the blog" but when I sat down to ...